Here is your webquest to follow and complete by Friday May 16. Follow the directions and choose five of the 14 Renaissance Men. When you choose these people you only have to complete questions 1-3 from the directions link of the webquest. Please add a photo if you can. Here is an example from Nils that you can use for yourself (do not copy his answers). If you have any questions you can see me in class or write your comments below.
Here is another site to help you understand the Renaissance
1. Leonardo da Vinci
Important achievements: was a scientist, inventor,
Year and place of birth and death: Born 1452 in the city of Vinci, Itlay. Died May 1519 in Florence, Italy
Places most associated with this person: he studied the stars at Mount Albano, he made many observations of animals around the countryside where he lived, he created the paintings and sculptures in Florence, Italy.
Why you considered this person for your list of candidates: This person is first on my list because he was smarter than the others. He took his time on the inventions he made, he always wanted to make things better. He loved animals and was a vegetarian.
2. Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni
Important achievements: Painter, Sculpture,
Year and place of birth and death: born March 6, 1475 at Caprese, Italy and died February 18, 1564
Places most associated with this person: Florence, Rome,
Why you considered this person for your list of candidates: Because he was a great artist and I love to draw. Also, I personally saw his painting of The Last Supper. Plus I love Rome and saw all of these places.
Gabriel Santana 7th grade
1st man: Galileo:
Was born on February 15, 1564, died on January 8, 1642.
Is most noted for proving the theory that the Sun is at the center of the Universe.
Pisa or Florance is the place that is most associated wit him.
2nd man:Ferdinand Magellan:
Was born in Portugal in 1480 and died in 1521 on his ship.
One of his accomplishments were being the first to go around the world.
The place where he is associated with the most is Portugal.
3rd man: Henry the Navigator:
Was born in 1394 and died in 1460.
One of his accomplishments is the discovery of the Atlantic islands.
The place that he is most accosiated with is Portugal.
4th man:Ibn Battuta:
Was born on Febuary 24 1304 and died in 1354.
Was famous for sailing to many places, also traveled more miles then Marco Polo.
Places most asscosiated with him are the middle east or India
5th man: Marco Polo:
Was born in 1254 and died in 1324.
Was famous for being a westerner (European) that took trips to China and then became an administrator of Kublai Khan.
The place where he is mostly associated with is Venice.
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anthony tinoco 7th grd
1st man
william shakespeare
was born in april he is known for the plays he wrote such as romeo and juliet, hamlet, 12th night,macbeth,and sonnets
2nd man
is one of the 2nd most popular artists that made great painting and sculptures suchas the statue of david and the sistine chapel
3rd man
henry the navigator
he was born in 1394 and passed in 1460 he was the person for evantually find africa
4th man
he was born in 1564 and passed in 1642 and was one of the best astronomers of his time he was the first person to look through a telescope and spent his time studing the sun
5th man
leonardo da vinci
was one of the most famous painters of his time and still is he is famous for having perspective in his painting and the greatest painting he has ever done was the mona lisa
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