Friday, January 25, 2008

5th Grade Post, Social Studies

Please view this video and answer this question.

Why was it so difficult for the first people that arrived in Jamestown to live there in the first year?


Anonymous said...

I think that it was hard for them during the first year because of the swamp. They drank from the filthiest of waters which eventually made them sick with fevers and othe kinds of diseases.some of the men even died.In my opinion that was the reason it was hard.That was the reason it was hard to stay alive.

Anonymous said...

i agree with Z-7

Anonymous said...

Bea Tan:grade 5
For Jamestown, on its first year, I think that it was a very hard year because of the swampy land they ended up living in. They drank filthy water and ended up being sick. The swampy water had flies in it which made the colonists even much sick. They also made many dieases.

I also like the way z-7 explained how it was hard to stay alive in Jamestown.

Anonymous said...

I think that the settlers were sick because they drank from the dirtious waters. I agree with z-7 and Bea.

Anonymous said...

christian estrada
grade 5

it was hard for them in the first year because the water was not safe to drink.also because there were flie's that killed half the people.

Anonymous said...

kim nguyen:grade 5
for jamestown it was difficult for them in the first year cuz they drank water that was very filthy and made them sick and i also agree with z-7.

Anonymous said...

Riana Chen 7th
i dont now any of da answers

Anonymous said...

who is z-7

Anonymous said...

who is z-7??????????? mysterious???????????? is that mrmanjarrez's answer.

Anonymous said...

This is Mr. Manjarrez
Your comments seem thoughful and filled with interesting reflection. I am glad you all are taking this chance to share your knowledge and insight with everyone else.

Thank You
P.S. Check your spelling before you finalize your posts

Anonymous said...

I definitely agree with Z-7!

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, my computer works again.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone.

I think cause there was swampy land in their area.They drank filthy water that made them sick.Also there were many mosqutios in the area.

Kelly S:5 grade

Anonymous said...

Z-7 is an alien -_-

Anonymous said...

who is lexi

Anonymous said...

ummmmmmm me and theeeee b**** are eating subway!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EAT FRESH.!!!!!!!!!!!! ;DD